The Seat Allotment of KCET 2022 will be conducted by Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) after the exam results. There are two or more rounds of Seat Allotment scheduled for KCET 2022. Seat allotment being the last step in counselling process, will solely focus on the process of allotting seats in the college of their choice based on their KCET 2022 rank and the college and course name filled by them during counselling. The candidates who took part in KCET 2022 Counselling are eligible to participate here. KEA will issue the KCET 2022 College Allotment according to the ranks and seats available. The Karnataka Examinations Authority will also conduct a Mock Seat Allotment round for the benefit of all the eligible candidates. Candidates need to log in to download their seat allotment letter. Candidates who are qualified should visit the allotted institute for verification copy, Unique Secret Keyword and the print out of the seat allotment letter.
KCET list of Verified Candidates
KEA released the provisional list of verified candidates. The list consist of Application number, Candidate’s name and Candidate’s parents name, Nationality, Clause, Category, Special category etc.
1st Round of Option entry and Seat allotment schedule
Events | Date and Timings |
Option Entry by eligible candidates (in the order of preference) | - |
Publication of Mock Allotment Results | - |
Provision to change options,if any by candidates (Add or Delete or Modify or Re-order or Alter the options) | - |
Publication of Seat allotment Result | - |
Choice exercising by candidates who are allotted seats in the 1st round (Select the right choice out of 4 choices – before selecting any choice understand the implications of each choice) | - |
Payment of fees and downloading of admission order
- |
Last date for reporting to the allotted colleges by Choice – 1 candidates only | - |
- Above schedule is tentative and subject to change. Candidates are requested to keep visiting KEA Website for updates.
- The candidates who exercise Choice – 1 should pay the fees, download the admission order and report to the college along with all the original documents on or before deadline and update the joining status on the KEA web-portal.
- The candidates who exercise Choice – 2 in engineering stream (UGCET - engineering/architecture/agriculture etc.,) need not pay the fees in the first round and need not report to college but wait for the next round.
KCET Mock Allotment
Mock Seat Allotment will be carried out by following the order of merit and Roster system after the entry of options are completed by the candidates. This allotment is only an indicative seat status which the candidate may or may not get in the real allotment. It will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already the entered options.
Candidates can check their mock allotment status on the KEA website. They are free to change, reorder, delete and add their choices of courses / colleges as per their preference. All the candidates must enter their final options before the last date prescribed.
Even though the candidate may not like to modify the options after the Mock Allotment, he / she may not get the same seat during the Real Allotment as other candidates may change their earlier entered options.
Candidates, who have not been allotted any seat in the Mock allotment, should verify the options entered by them and are advised to enter more options in which they are interested.
Candidates need not report to the college, but should wait for the real allotment result.
KCET Seat Matrix
KEA released a draft for number of seats for respective course at the participating universities. The total seat intake as well as seats under quota, the courses offered can be downloaded from the below given link.
KCETSeat Matrix for different course and category
Course name | Seat matrix PDF |
Engineering (for H-K) | Engineering (for H-K) |
Engineering (for Non-H-K) | Engineering (for Non-H-K) |
Engineering (for Special category) | Engineering (for Special category) |
Architecture (for General) | Architecture (for General) |
Architecture (for H-K) | Architecture (for H-K) |
B.Sc (Ag) and B,V.Sc (for General) | B.Sc (Ag) and B,V.Sc (for General) |
B.Sc (Ag) and B,V.Sc (for Agriculturist quota) | B.Sc (Ag) and B,V.Sc (for Agriculturist quota) |
B.Sc (Ag) and B,V.Sc (for Special category) | B.Sc (Ag) and B,V.Sc (for Special category) |
B.Pharma and Pharma-D (for H-K) | B.Pharma and Pharma-D (for H-K) |
B.Pharma and Pharma-D (for Special category) | B.Pharma and Pharma-D (for Special category) |
Steps to download the KCET 2022 Allotment Order
- Click here for KCET 2022 Allotment Order (link will be published after released by KEA).
- Enter your details like Hall ticket/admit card number and Password.
- Then, your admission letter is displayed on the screen.
- Download the document.
- Take a printout of the allotment order and preserve it for future use.
KCET Procedure of Seat Allotment
The seat matrix issued by the Government for each discipline will be adopted for allotment of seats. The allotment of seats will be conducted in the following three rounds and each round consists of three phases and each phase consists of number of iterations.
1.First Round
After the last date and time fixed for entering the options is over and as per the seat matrix issued by the Government, action will be taken to allot the seats in the order of merit based on the priority of the options entered by the candidates and by following the reservation policy of the Government.
The computer begins allotment with the Special Category seat for Physically Disabled, NCC and Sports Category.
The computer starts the allotment with the Physically Disabled persons as per their rank and options. 3% of the seats in all Government, Aided and Unaided private colleges in Medical /Engineering / Architecture / ISMH / Farm Science /B-Pharm / Pharm-D courses are reserved for candidates belonging this category.
After allotment to Physically Disabled candidates, seat allotment to NCC candidates holding preference 1 to 8 will be allotted under NCC quota as per their preference and if the preference is the same the interse merit among the candidates will be considered. Likewise candidates in Sports category in Preference 1 to 5 will be allotted in Sports quota and where the preferences are equal the interse merit will be considered. For Engineering seats all candidates will be considered first against Supernumerary Quota (SNQ) seats if they are eligible.
General Merit category candidates will be considered only in the General Merit quota. The rank list will be invariably followed for allotment of seats. All Reserved category candidates will be first considered for allotment in General Merit as per their merit and rank and as per the options given by them. After the General Merit seats are exhausted the candidate belonging to the respective categories will be allotted the seats in their respective category as per their rank and as per the options given by them.
Reserved Kannada Medium and Rural Category candidates will be first allotted in General Merit Category, then in the Rural and Kannada Medium of General Merit category and respective general of the reserved category and finally in the Kannada Medium and Rural of the respective category subject to availability of seats.
Hyderabad-Karnataka reservation (371 (j)) will also be considered for allotment of seats as per the reservation criteria.
While allotting to Special Category candidates namely, Defence, Ex-Defence, Scouts & Guides, CAPF,Ex-CAPF, first allotment will be made under General Merit category as per their ranks, if the seat is not available in GM, then it will be allotted in the respective reserved category if seats are available and then finally the seats will be allotted under Special Category if seats are available in the order of merit.
*While allotting to Reserved Categories and Special Category candidates in Engineering, first allotment will be considered under Supernumerary Quota if eligible, then under General Merit category, if the seat is not available in GM, then it will be allotted in the respective reserved category if seats are available and then finally the seats will be allotted under Special Category if seats are available in the order of merit.
If the candidate has been allotted an engineering seat other than Supernumerary Quota, then if the same seat is available under Supernumerary Quota in any of the subsequent rounds, then such candidate will be allotted under Supernumerary quota.
KCET 1st Phase of allotment of seats
While allotting the seats in the 1st Phase at any stage, the seat allotted if any, will automatically get cancelled upon allotment of a seat in the subsequent discipline and such cancelled seat will be considered for allotment of a seat in the next iteration
Therefore, multiple iterations may take place in the 1st Phase. The computer will stop the allotment only if the last seat is allotted or when it reaches the last rank in each discipline. That means the candidates will always be climbing upwards both in options and in roster. The order of allotment as shown above will be repeated in the 1st phase until there is no change in the allotment of any candidate.
KCET 2nd Phase of allotment of seats
After completion of the 1st Phase of allotment of seats, the seats that remain unfilled under all the Rural and Kannada medium quota of the reserved categories will be converted to General of the respective reserved categories (SCR & SCK to SCG, STR & STK to STG, 1R & 1K to 1G, 2AR & 2AK to2AG, 2BR & 2BK to 2BG, 3AR & 3AK to 3AG, 3BR & 3BK to 3BG) before the commencement of 2nd Phase and offered Only to the reserved category candidates including GMR and GMK category candidates.
Consequential vacancies which arise during this allotment of seats will remain in the same category and will be offered to the same reserved category candidates.
In this phase only reserved category candidates will be considered for allotment and GM candidates will not be considered. Further, GM and SNQ seats will also be not considered for allotment of seats.
What is Consequential vacancy in KCET?
If the reserved category candidates are allotted with a General Merit/respective reserved category seat during the 2nd phase of allotment, then a reserved category seat becomes vacant. Such seats are treated as Consequential vacancies. These consequential reserved category vacancies that arise during the 2nd phase of allotment will remain under the same categories and will be offered only to the candidates belonging to the same reserved categories.
All GM consequential vacancies which arise in this phase will be considered for allotment in the 3rd Phase of allotment.
In this phase also, the order of seat allotment remains same which is as follows:
KCET 3rd Phase of allotment of seats
After the allotment of seats in the second phase of allotment, the seats that remain unfilled under various reserved General categories such as SCG, STG, 1G, 2AG, 2BG, 3AG, 3BG, GMR and GMK, along with unfilled special category seats, if any, will be converted to the General Merit category and offered to GM candidates along with all other reserved category candidates in the 3rd Phase of allotment.
However, the consequential Rural and Kannada medium reserved category seats that arise during the 3rdPhase of allotment and if remains un-allotted then the same seat will be converted to the General of the respective reserved categories only if there are no seats in the respective general category and will be made available for allotment only to the respective reserved category candidates during 3rd Phase of allotment.
In this round also, the order of seat allotment remains same which is as follows:
Option Entry and Seat Allotment KCET 2022
- The candidates must properly analyse and enter in the options as per preference. The Higher order options are the options first considered for seat allotment.
- The candidate is given 3 choices after each allotment round. The choices are as follows:
- Choice 1: After the first round of seat allotment, if a candidate is with the allotted seat then he/she will have to pay tuition fee either through online or challan. After the payment of the fee, the admission order can be downloaded from the official website.
- Choice 2: This is given to those candidates who are satisfied with the allotted seat but also wishes to participate in the next round of counselling for higher options. In case the candidate is not allotted seat in the next round, his/her allotted seat in the first round will still be available.
- Choice 3:There are chances that a candidate is not satisfied with the allotted seat and wishes to participate in the next round with the same entered options. In such cases, that candidate need to opt for choice 3.
- Choice 4: This choice is applicable for those candidates who are not satisfied with the seat and has got a seat elsewhere. Candidates who opts for choice 4 indicates that they are quitting KCET 2022 counselling and seat allotment process. These candidates will not be considered for further rounds. Such candidates will have no claim on the allotted seat.
- If a candidate is allotted with the higher order options, in such case seat allotted in the previous round automatically stands cancel. If the candidate is not allotted with higher order option, then the seat allotted in the previous round will remain.
- The unfilled seats after Round/ phase 1 will be converted to General reserved category and made available for Round/phase 2.
- The unfilled seats after Round/phase 2 will be converted to General Merit category and made available for Round/phase 3.
- Candidates participating in the extended round will have the same eligibility criteria as of second round, The seat allotted in first round gets confirmed in case candidates are not allotted seat in this round. Candidates will be allowed to modify/alter/re-order their priority of options.
Allotted Seats Withdrawal Pointers KCET 2022
- In case candidate wishes to surrender or cancel the seat, allotted in first or second round, before the second extended round, then a processing fee of Rs. 5000 will be deducted and the remaining fees will be returned.
- If a candidate surrenders the allotted seat during and after the completion of the second extended round, his/her entire fee will be forfeited.
- If a candidate fails to return the original admission order, bank challan, green card and verification slip, he/she will not be allowed to surrender or cancel the seat.
- Candidates can immediately download the admission order if the payment is successful.
KCET Guidelines for Veterinary course under PH quota
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