The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main formerly known as AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination will be conducted by a new conducting body, National Testing Agency (NTA) from 2019 onwards. JEE exam will be conducted Twice in the year 2021. Aspirants can attempt either both or one. The first exam has been scheduled in January and second in the month of April. The test will be held on different shifts/dates in both the attempts. JEE Main is a national level engineering entrance exam conducted for admissions to UG engineering courses offered in 31 NITs, 23 IITs and 23 CFTIs. The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2021 is also the qualifying test for JEE Advanced 2021.
JEE (Main)–2021 shall have two papers, Paper-1 (B. E. /B. Tech.) and Paper-2 (B. Arch. /B.Planning). Candidates may take Paper-1 (B. E. /B. Tech.), or Paper-2 (B. Arch. /B.Planning.), or both as per the course(s) they are seeking admission to. Candidates should note that there will be no 12th board marks criteria for appearing in JEE Main 2021. But the candidate needs to pass the class 12th examination.
- Exam Level: National level.
- Exam Frequency: Two attempts per year.
- Exam Category: Undergraduate Entrance Examination.
- Exam Body: National Testing Agency (NTA).
- Mode of Application: Online.
- Exam Mode: Online (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Aptitude) and Pen & Paper (B.Arch/B.Plan).
- Exam Date: January 6, 7, 8 & 9, 2021 and April 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11, 2021.
- Exam Duration: 3 Hours.
- Number of Applicants: 12+ lakh candidates.
- Available Seats: 30,000+ seats.
- Official Website:nta.ac.in
JEE Main 2021 Latest Update
The JEE (Main)-2021 will be conducted twice before admissions in the next academic session. The students will have following benefits of the new pattern:
- This will give one more opportunity to the students to improve their scores in examination if they fail to give their best in first attempt without wasting their whole academic year.
- In first attempt, the students will get a first-hand experience of taking an examination and to know their mistakes which they can improve while attempting for the second time.
- This will reduce chances of dropping a year and droppers would not have to waste a full year.
- If anyone missed the examination due to reasons beyond control, then he/she won’t have to wait for one full year.
- The student’s best of the two NTA scores will be considered for preparation of Merit List/ Ranking.
- The first JEE (Main) – 2021 was held in January, 2021 whereas the second will be held in April, 2021.
JEE Main 2021 Important Dates
As notified by the NTA, JEE Main 2021 will be conducted twice in the year 2021. Also, a calendar of events has been released consisting of important events and their corresponding dates. Dates of events such as online Registration, Payment of fees via Online mode, Admit card download, Exam dates (online and offline), Result date for Paper 1 and 2, All India Rank declaration, Rank Card availability etc is something a JEE aspirant should keep an eye on. The Joint Entrance Examination is the National level Engineering Entrance Exam for admission in 31 NITs (National Institute of Technology), 23 IIITs (Indian Institute of Information Technology), IITs (Indian Institute of Technology) and 23 (CFTIs) Centrally Funded Technical Institutions across India. Candidates can go through the below table to check the events and dates.
Important Dates of JEE Main 2021 - January Exam
Events | Dates |
Notification release | August 2019 |
Application form release date | 3rd September 2019 |
Application form last date | 10th October 2019 (extended) |
Application correction window | 14th - 20th October 2019 |
Admit card availability | December 6, 2019 |
JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates | January 6 (Paper 2 - B.Arch/B.Plan) January 7 to 9, 2021 (Paper 1 - B.E./B.Tech) |
Provisional answer key release date | January 13th, 2021 |
Final answer key release date | Paper 1 - January 17, 2021 Paper 2 - January 23, 2021 |
Announcement of January 2021 Result for B.E/B.Tech | January 17th, 2021 |
Announcement of January 2021 Result for B.Arch & B.Plan | January 23rd, 2021 |
Important Dates of JEE Main 2021 - April Exam
Events | Dates |
Application form release date | February 7th, 2021 |
Application form last date | March 7th 2021 |
Application correction window | To be notified |
Admit card availability | March 16, 2021 |
JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates | April 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11, 2021 |
Provisional answer key release date | April 15, 2021 |
Final answer key release date | To be notified |
Announcement of April 2021 Result | April 30, 2021 |
JEE Main 2021 Eligibility Criteria
Are you eligible to apply for JEE Main? Who can apply for JEE Main 2021? These are the possible questions that run in the mind of a candidate. Thus, the eligibility criteria information is solely meant to clear the queries on eligibility for JEE Main. Criteria such as Age, Date of Birth, Qualifying exam, Nationality, Subject combination, Number of Attempts, etc are mentioned along with their eligibility here.
Given below are few specifications of criteria of eligibility which candidates can go through
- Age Limit: No age limit.
- Qualifying Exam: Candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent in 2018 or 2019. Candidates appearing in 2021 are also eligible.
- Maximum Attempts: Students can appear for the exam thrice, that too in consecutive years. Appearing for both the sessions in the same year will be counted as a single attempt.
- Qualifying Marks: Candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent exam.
Qualifying Subjects:
- B.E/B.Tech Candidates must have pass their 12th with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/ Technical Vocational subject.
- B.Arch Candidates must have passed 12th with Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry subjects.
- B.Plan Candidates must have passed 12th with Mathematics subject. -
Admission Criteria for IITs, NITs, IIITs and CFTIs:
- B.Tech - Paper 1 For get admission into IITs. NITs, IIITs, CFTIs and other institutions through CSAB, students have secured 75% (For ST/SC - 65%) marks or must be under top 20 percentile in their 12th level respective boards exams.
JEE Main Application Form 2021
The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2021 is conducted twice in the year. First in January and second in April. Candidates can attempt either both or one of them. Both the exams will be conducted online. It is required that candidates must ensure they fulfil the eligibility criteria before they start registration process. Refer below for the steps to fill application form
- Step 1: Registration Log on to the JEE Main official website and register with their personal, contact details and create a password.
- Step 2: Fill Application Form Candidates must select paper for the examination. Education details and parents income details has to be entered, personal and contact details will be auto generated from registration..
- Step 3: Upload Documents Upload photograph (size between 10 KB to 200 KB and 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm dimensions) and signature (size between 4 KB to 30 KB and 3.5 cm x 1.5 cm dimensions) and both must be in JPEG/JPG format.
- Step 4: Online Fee Payment Candidates must pay the application fee in an online mode only through SBI MOPS, ICICI, HDFC, Syndicate Bank payment gateways as well as Paytm services
- Step 5: Print Out of Acknowledgement Candidates has suggested to take 3-4 copies of of their acknowledgement page for future use.
JEE Main Admit Card 2021
The National Testing Agency (NTA) will issue JEE Main Admit Card. Candidates need to enter the issued Application No. and Password to access it. The admit card contains important details such as Candidate’s Name Paper/Papers Chosen, Date of Birth, Gender, Address of Exam Centre, State Code of Eligibility, Category, Exam Date & Timing.
Steps to download the admit card
- Visit JEE Main Official Website
- Select Download Admit Card of JEE (Main) 2021
- Two options are available to download admit card: First option is to click on Download Admit Card through Application Number and Password and the second option is to Select Download Admit Card through Application Number and Date of Birth
- Enter Application number, Password and Security if first option is selected or if second option is chosen then enter Application number, Security pin and select Date of Birth.
- Download the admit card.
JEE Main Exam Pattern 2021
JEE Main Exam 2021 will be conducted in January and April. JEE Main exam is now being conducted twice in a year before the admissions so candidates can attempt for both the exams if they wish but it is not mandatory to attempt twice. And if a candidate has attempted twice then best of the two results will be considered. Also, JEE Main exam is considered as an eligibility test for JEE Advanced exam.
National Testing Agency (NTA) will be governing the JEE Main exam from the current year, 2021. Paper I must be attempted online while Paper II (Mathematics – Part I and Aptitude – Part II) will be online whereas Part III (Drawing) will have to be attempted on the Drawing sheet.
Given below is the exam pattern for JEE Main 2021
Paper 1 (B.E/B.Tech)
Mode of the Examination | Online (Computer Based Test) |
Subjects | Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics |
Duration | 03 hours |
Number of questions | 75 questions (Physics - (20+5*), Chemistry-(20+5*), Mathematics - (20+5*)) |
*20 questions will be MCQs and 5 questions will have answer to be filled as numerical value | |
Total marks | 300 Marks (75 Q x 4 Marks) |
Marking scheme for MCQs | +4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer -1 mark for incorrect answer No mark will be deducted for unanswered question |
Marking scheme for Numerical value questions | +4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer No mark will be deducted for incorrect answer No mark will be deducted for unanswered question |
Type of questions | Objective type questions (MCQs) with 4 options and numerical value questions |
Syllabus | Class 12th syllabus |
Paper 2 (B.Arch)
Mode of the Examination | Part I and Part II (Online), Part III (Offline) |
Subjects | Part I – Mathematics
Part II – Aptitude Part III – Drawing |
Duration | 03 hours |
Number of questions | 77 Questions (Mathematics - (20+5*), Aptitude - 50, Drawing – 02) |
Total marks | 400 Marks ( 100 + 200 + 100) |
Marking scheme for MCQs | +4 marks awarded for each correct answer
-1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer No mark will be deducted for unanswered question |
Marking Scheme for questions for which answer is a Numerical value | +4 marks awarded for each correct answer
No mark will be deducted for each wrong answer No mark will be deducted for unanswered question |
Marking Scheme for Drawing Test – Part III | Two questions to be evaluated out of 100 marks |
Type of questions | Both Objective type and Subjective type |
Paper 2 (B.Planning)
Mode of the Examination | Online (Computer Based Test) |
Subjects | Part I – Mathematics
Part II – Aptitude Part III – Planning Based Objective Type MCQs |
Duration | 03 hours |
Number of questions | 100 Questions (Mathematics - (20+5*), Aptitude - 50, Planning Based Objective Type MCQs – 25) |
*20 questions will be MCQs and 5 questions will have answer to be filled as numerical value. | |
Total marks | 400 Marks ( 100 + 200 + 100) |
Marking scheme for MCQs | +4 marks awarded for each correct answer
-1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer No mark will be deducted for unanswered question |
Marking scheme for Numerical value questions | +4 marks awarded for each correct answer
No mark will be deducted for each wrong answer No mark will be deducted for unanswered question |
Type of questions | Objective type questions (MCQs) with 4 options and numerical value questions |
JEE Main Reservation Criteria 2021
Under Government of India reservation policy, JEE Main exam board reserves a certain number of seats for different categories. National Testing Agency (NTA), the governing body of JEE Main doesn’t involve in seat allocation or admission procedures. NTA is only an examination conducting body. So, after declaration of result, the data is handed over to CENTRALISED SEAT ALLOCATION BOARD (CSAB)/JoSAA or the concerned State government/institute for Seat Allocation Process and admission procedure.
The NTA does not collect the information regarding total number of seats available in the institutions and reservation criteria followed by the institutions.
As per Government of India rules candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved for them based on relaxed criteria. The categories are:
- Other Backward Classes (OBC) if they belong to Non Creamy Layer (NCL)
- Scheduled Castes (SC)
- Scheduled Tribes (ST)
- Persons with Disability (PwD) with 40% or more disability
JEE Main 2021 Helpline & Contact Details
NTA, which conducts JEE Main exam, has released helpline numbers to address the queries and issued faced by the applicants during any of the examination process. Common Services Centres/Facilitation Centres and Test Practice Centres can be accessed by the applicants who are unaware of online application submission. There are more than 1.5 lakhs Common Services Centres (CSC) across the country which will provide the desired support to candidates from urban as well as rural areas in online submission of application form and payment of fee through e-wallet.
National Testing Agency (NTA) has established a network of Test Practice Centres spread all over India to help the students aspiring to appear in examinations to be conducted by the NTA from 2021 onwards.
For more information, visit JEE Main 2021 Helpline & Contact Details
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