How to plan for Board Exam?

Clearing board exams with good marks is one of important steps that a student must undergo. The plan for board exam must start from the very beginning of the term but the crucial time is the last 3 months before the exam starts. Though there are entrance exams for medical and engineering courses, board exams must not be neglected. With proper plan and dedication you can achieve good marks in board examination.
Some of the institutes do consider board marks to grant admissions to the students, so one must note that it equally important. A good strategy is vital for the exam preparation, without it all the preparation goes vain. Strategy acts a direction where your preparation must head.
Firstly, you must keep in mind that it is not a child’s play and you must be serious towards the exam. It doesn’t mean you have you study 24/7 rather a consistent practise will be enough everyday to have good result.
Let’s see how to plan for the board examination
Start early: May be the last 3 to 4 months play a vital role in exam preparation, but starting early has its own benefits – a good foundation is laid, doubts can be cleared early, a good hold on subject understanding.
Strategic planning: It is always better to have a plan than to dive straight into the learning process. What to study first, how many hours to dedicate to each subject form the strategic planning process.
Time table and Goals: Keep your goals in your mind when you start preparing for the exam. There are short term and long term goals. Your long term goal may be to achieve more than 90 in a subject, but the short term goal to understand a topic or unit is also important and it indirectly help the other goals. And be realistic while creating time table, do not include unachievable goals into it.
Learning sequence: Each subject must have its own schedule and learn according to it. Dedicate at least 2 to 3 hours for studies.
Syllabus: it is not secret that syllabus is the guiding light for exam preparation. Around 70-80 percent of questions will be framed based on the syllabus.
Time is important: Learn time management skills. Both in during studying and writing the examination, time management and speed plays a crucial role. Answer easy questions first and then move to time consuming ones.
Regular practise: Be regular with your practice. Learn the same concept in different ways. Make short notes for easy learning. Solve at least 10 years previous year question paper. Refer a few books to understand a concept. Study conceptually.
Develop your study technique: Make learning fun, colour code your notes, create mnemonics and mind maps for easy understanding of concepts. Mind maps is one way that is liked and tried by everyone. Know how to create mind map (backlink to mind map blog) here. And use different learning techniques, don’t be monotonous in learning.
Break is not bad: Longer hours is not equal to higher marks. Taking breaks is as essential as studying. Take a break of 10 minutes for every 50 minutes of study. Go for a walk or talk to your friends, or do anything that will lighten you up.
Learn from mistakes: Write it down and work on it slowly. Do not give up if you don’t succeed in the first attempt.
Revision is the key: Practice and Revision goes hand in hand. Spare some time for revision every day. Solve tricky questions with the timer on.
Healthy and hydrated: Drink water and cut down on sugary drinks. Eat fresh vegetable and fruits. Avoid junk food.
Adequate sleep: A minimum of 7 – 8 hours of sleep is necessary to have a refreshed mind. Do not study when you are sleepy or tired. Your body and mind needs rest at appropriate times.
Healthy discussion: Exchange ideas with friends, discuss on how to tackle a tough problem. It opens up to new methods of learning and solving.
Clear doubts: Whatever the doubt is, just ask your teachers or someone who knows that subject. Don’t postpone it. It’s ok if it is a small doubt or if it sounds stupid. Asking questions makes you learn.
Keep everything ready: Once you are done with exam preparation, make sure you have your hall ticket and ID card in place. Buy pens, pencils and other stationary in advance. Don’t wait till the nth moment.
Arrive early: Be at the exam venue at the earliest, at least 30 minutes before the exam begins.
Maintain a consistent writing: Let your handwriting be legible throughout the answer booklet. Don’t scribble or overwrite.
Board exams are tough but not impossible to crack, so just keep in mind to have a right plan and you will succeed with flying colours.