How to score 100/100 in Physics?

Physics is an important paper that students must concentrate. It is not as easy as chemistry but not too tough too, given there was a good amount of preparation by the students. The exam paper has 4 sections and each section must be given equal importance. Physics is one of the important subject both in board exams as well as competitive entrance exams. Scoring a 100 in physics is hard and it requires good amount of practise and revision along with sincere efforts. Hard work with strategic plan will surely bear fruit.
Let us first have a look at the CBSE Physics exam pattern for Class 12
CBSE has made considerable changes in the exam pattern for the March 2020 board examination. The pattern of exam paper will be similar to that of competitive exams. It includes more objective type questions, and also consist of 2 marks, 3 marks, and 5 marks questions. There will be a total of 14 questions of 2 marks or 3 marks each and 3 questions of 5 marks each. Despite 10 objective questions, there will be a total of 20 objective questions in the paper.
Usually there will be 4 sections – A, B, C and D which will have – Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Question – I, Short Answer Type Question – II and Long Answer Type Questions.
Some other significant changes
CBSE will be introducing 25% MCQs in all the subjects for the exam. Internal assessment will be of 20 marks. So the final exam will be of 80 marks. The number of internal choices was increased by 33% in 2019 examinations and the same will continue for this year. CBSE is thinking to conduct practical examinations at the external centres, though no official statement is made in this regard.
The percentage of objective-type questions is 25% and the number of descriptive questions is 12 (it has been significantly reduced) for the year 2020. Practical marks will range from 30 to 70. the number of questions to attempted will be 17
Important chapters - Physics
The following are the most important chapters for CBSE Class 12 Physics:
Electronic Devices
Communication Systems
Atoms and Nuclei
Dual Nature of Matter
The Semiconductor chapter is one of the most important chapters as its weight-age is around 8 marks. Atom and Nuclei together constitute 6 marks. The most important chapter is Optics which carries 14 marks in the board exam. Apart from these Dual Nature of Radiation carries 4 marks and Communication system carries 3 marks.
How do you practice/ during exam preparation
Understand your syllabus: Exam preparation starts with knowing the syllabus thoroughly. Syllabus plays an important role by listing the topics/units from which questions will be framed for the exam. NCERT textbooks are usually recommended to prepare for the CBSE board exam but one can find other recommended textbook too. Know the weightage given to each topic in the syllabus and plan your learning according to it.
Some books for reference: Concepts of Physics by HC Verma, Objective Physics by D.C. Pandey, Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker.
Say no to mug ups: It is easy to fall for mug up trap but in the long run it does not help much. So skip it and understand how the reactions happen, the catalyst that causes it, the products and bi-products that forms at the end.
Basics first: Be clear in your fundamentals. A good foundation will lead to better result. When the concept is clear, understanding the difficult parts is easier.
Balance: Maintain a good balance between numerical problems and definitions or theoretical problems.
Miscellaneous problems: How many of the time have you skipped those NCERT exercise problems given at the end of each chapter? Never skip those if you want a centum. Start solving all the solved and unsolved problems/questions in NCERT textbooks.
Practice papers: Have a look at the past exam papers of CBSE physics to get an idea of how the questions are asked in the exam. Work on at least past 10 year question papers. Practice them keeping the time limit in mind.
Clear your doubts: Don’t shy away to ask questions and clear your doubts however silly it may sound. It is better to solve now than to feel sorry later.
Practicals: Labs are as important as theory. Practicals will help you gain an practical exposure towards the subject. Practise the experiments as much as you want until you understand it completely. Never skip it.
Address your problems: Never postpone to solve the problems, address them with a calm mind. Postponing to solve twisted or big problems might cost you too much in the later period, so address them now!
Time management: Managing the time is the key factor in preparing for board exams. It is easy to lose the track of time in solving tough problems in maths and hence it is essential to practice the problems within the time limit. Take mock tests online to get that exam feel and practice more in that scenario.
What to keep in mind during the exam
Maintain a Clean Paper and margin
Have a clear mind
Solve the problems with clear mind and write the steps in clear handwriting
Label the diagrams and reactions appropriately. Give pictorial or graphical illustrations wherever it is required
Always finish familiar questions first
Avoid Overwriting and Scribbling. Never scratch too much, it looks horrible, just one strike is enough.
Do not write long answers unnecessarily, be crisp and on point for short answers
Spare some time to revise everything you wrote