How to have a hassle-free 2nd PU Exam

2nd PUC is a pivotal point in a student’s life. It determines the next course of direction in studies. With the exam date approaching, the students will be more devoted to the preparation of exam and sometimes a few basic things may be forgotten. Such small details if forgotten will affect the student right during the examination which is not a good sign, as it creates unnecessary pressure on the student’s mind. Just a things which if taken care results in a hassle free examination.
Revision: The last 3 months for the exam are crucial for every student. It is the time where you revise what you have learned all these days. All the short notes, text snippets are re-read again to make sure everything is covered.
Small things make a huge difference. Instead of worrying at the last minute, it is better to be prepared in advance. Read below to find out how you can have a hassle free 2nd PUC examination.
Once you are done with studies then turn your attention towards examination and:
Checklist: Make a checklist of necessary things that is needed for the examination - Hall Ticket, ID Card, pen, pencil and other stationary.
Check before you leave: Verify that you have everything needed, check against the checklist you have made every time you leave for an exam.
Arrive early: Better to be early than late. Be at the exam venue at least 30 minutes before the exam time. This helps in moving into the assigned class on time and finding your seat without any tension. Sometimes the seating maybe changed for every paper so better to come early.
Examine your desk: Remember to check your desk for any bits of paper and get rid of it.
Pens and stationary: It is better to use blue/black ball point pens and make sure you carry at least 2 of them. Use a pen that will not run out of ink halfway through your exam and in case you wish to use a different pen inform the invigilator and get their signature on the answer sheet.
Cross check: Cross check your roll number whether you’ve written correctly and do not forget to write it on the question paper as well.
Don’t overwrite: Write everything legibly and do not scribble in the answer booklet, and highlight the important points. Maintain a good handwriting. Cross check the question numbers.
Revise: Spare some time at the end and go through the answers that you’ve written so that you get the marks you deserve. Attempt any left out answers or answer any extra question if time permits.
Be cool: Stay calm and positive throughout the examination. Do not panic if you cannot remember any answer. Leave it and get back to it at the end. Tension will further create stress.
Contact invigilator: If there is any problem or you want something, be it a stationary or water or anything then do not hesitate to contact the invigilator.
All the best for your 2nd PUC exams and hope you do better than your best :)