10 Benefits Of Meditation For Students

Meditation is a spiritual practice that helps the person achieve the state of peace, it is not just used by spiritual seekers but everyone else for its benefits. Simply working with the mind with the help of meditation leads to an improved sense of presence, calm, attentiveness, and an increase in valued human qualities such as empathy and patience.
Not just elderly people and adults but even students can harness the power of meditation and have a stress-free learning period. It might seem boring for the students initially but with regular practice the advantages will be visible. The students must be willing to make some time for the meditation practice to make use of it.
10 benefits of Meditation for Students
Increase in IQ level: A random experiment to test IQ level in students found that Transcendental meditation has a positive effect in raising IQ level of students. Continuous meditation helped increase intelligence, creativity in students along with reducing anxiety. It is important to note that improvement was in the creative thinking, grasping, and other cognitive behaviour.
Focus: Calm mind achieved through meditation reported to have a whooping 50% reductions in stress, anxiety, and ADHD symptoms. This results in improved ability to focus better on tasks at hand, increased brain processing and improved language-based skills.
Reduction in depression and anxiety: Two studies have found that the Transcendental meditation reduces the symptoms of depression. Both anxiety and depression causes disruption in the learning process when the exam date nears, so with regular meditation it can be taken care.
Brain integrity & efficiency: Meditation makes the brain sharper, it also helps to make it a more harmonious unit: university students who took up meditation were found to have changes in the fibres in the brain area related to regulating emotions and behaviour. These changes again lead to better cognitive and intellectual performance.
Cheerful Personality: A good positive change can be seen in students who meditate. They will be more cheerful, confident and lively. The develop the ability to handle stress and maintain their calm in pressurized situations.
Lengthen attention span: A study on regular mindfulness meditation showed that the participants can focus on a task for long period and they were able to reorient and maintain attention.
Helps fight addiction: Research has shown that meditation may help people learn to redirect their attention, increase their willpower, control their emotions and impulses and increase their understanding of the causes behind their addictive behaviours. It may also help you control food cravings.
Clears mind: One of the important benefits of meditation is that it helps clear the mind. Clarity of mind helps in reproducing the answer in structured way instead of jumbling the content.
Improves sleep: A relaxed mind helps in proper learning and a good night’s sleep will refresh the mind the next mind making it ready to receive information without tiredness. And with the help of meditation, the quality of sleep is seen to improve.
More happier: Research on meditation states that students who meditate daily get higher scores on affectivity, self-esteem, and emotional competence. It makes more receptive to happiness.
Now, find a place to meditate and welcome the peace to your mind!
5 Simple steps for meditation
Find a meditation spot: Find place to meditate and do not change it often. Let the place be clean with good ventilation.
Sit in a comfortable position: Sit with your spine erect but do not strain yourself. Be comfortable and wear comfortable clothes.
Clear your mind: Let your mind calm down for bit and leave aside every other thought.
Close your eyes: It is relatively easy to meditate with closed eyes than open eyes.
Simply sit and observe your breathing or chant a mantra: Turn your attention towards your breathing and just observe the inhalation and exhalation. Thoughts running of your mind may disrupt your mind but gently bring the attention towards breathing whenever that happens. Do not judge the thought or do not be let down if you cannot concentrate. It takes time so be patient.