- Tardigrade
- Question
- Chemistry
- RCONH 2 is converted into RNH 2 by means of Hofmann's bromamide degradation. <img class=img-fluid question-image alt=image src=https://cdn.tardigrade.in/img/question/chemistry/f2304a10387653cf0a5d7c78914d1d88-.png /> In this reaction, RCONHBr is formed from which this reaction has derived its name. Electron donating group at phenyl activates the reaction. Hofmann's degradation reaction is an intramolecular reaction. (2006,3 × 4 M =12 M ) Which is the rate determining step in Hofmann's bromamide degradation?
is converted into by means of Hofmann's bromamide degradation.
In this reaction, is formed from which this reaction has derived its name. Electron donating group at phenyl activates the reaction. Hofmann's degradation reaction is an intramolecular reaction.
Which is the rate determining step in Hofmann's bromamide degradation?