- Tardigrade
- Question
- Physics
- The pulley arrangements shown in the figure are identical, the mass of the rope being negligible. In case (.a.) mass m is lifted by attaching a mass of 2m to the other end of the rope. In case (.b.) the mass m is lifted by pulling the other end of the rope with a constant downward force F=2mg , where g is the acceleration due to gravity. The acceleration of mass m in case (.a.) is <img class=img-fluid question-image alt=Question src=https://cdn.tardigrade.in/q/nta/p-uf8epa9bneenpss0.jpg />
The pulley arrangements shown in the figure are identical, the mass of the rope being negligible. In case mass is lifted by attaching a mass of to the other end of the rope. In case the mass is lifted by pulling the other end of the rope with a constant downward force , where is the acceleration due to gravity. The acceleration of mass in case is