Q. List I describes thermodynamic processes in four different systems. List II gives the magnitudes (either exactly or as a close approximation) of possible changes in the internal energy of the system due to the process.
List I List II
I of water at is converted to steam at the same temperature, at a pressure of . The volume of the system changes from to in the process. Latent heat of water . P 2 KJ
II moles of a rigid diatomic ideal gas with volume at temperature undergoes an isobaric expansion to volume . Assume . Q 7 KJ
III On mole of a monatomic ideal gas is compressed adiabatically from volume and pressure to volume R 4 KJ
IV Three moles of a diatomic ideal gas whose molecules can vibrate, is given of heat and undergoes isobaric expansion. S 5 KJ
T 3 KJ
Which one of the following options is correct?

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