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Q. The enthalpy change for the conversion of $\frac{1}{2} Cl _2( g )$ to $Cl ^{-}$(aq) is $(-)$___ $kJ \,mol ^{-1}$ (Nearest integer)
Given : $\Delta_{\text {dis }} H _{ Cl _{2( g )}}^{\ominus}=240\, kJ \,mol ^{-1}, \Delta_{ eg } H _{ Cl }^{\ominus}=-350\, kJ \,mol ^{-1}$,
$\Delta_{\text {hyd }} H ^\theta Cl _{( g )}^{-}=-380 \,kJ \,mol ^{-1}$

JEE MainJEE Main 2023Thermodynamics


$ \frac{1}{2} Cl _{2( g )} \rightarrow Cl _{( g )} \rightarrow Cl _{( g )}^{-} \rightarrow Cl _{( aq .)}^{-}$
$\Delta H ^{\circ}=\frac{1}{2} \times 240+(-350)+(-380) $
$ =-610 $