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Q. Rate of effusion of LPG (a mixture of n-butanemole fraction of n-butane in LPG is

States of Matter


$r_2/r_1$ = 1.25
$M_2 = ? . M_1$ = 32 + 16 $\times$ 3 = 80
$\frac{r_2}{r_1}= \sqrt{\frac{M_1}{M_2}} $ ; 1.25 = $\sqrt{\frac{80}{M_2}}$
$M_2 = \frac{80 \times 16}{25} = \frac{1280}{25} $ =51.2
Mol mass of $C_4H_{18}$ = 58
Mol mass of $C_3H_8$ = 44
Let mole fraction of $C_4H_{10}$ = x
$\therefore $ 58x + 44(1 -x ) = 51.2
58r - 44x = 51.2 - 44.0
14x = 7.2
$x = \frac{7.2}{15} = 0.5$