- Tardigrade
- Question
- Physics
- Two concentric conducting spheres of radii r1 and ( textr) text2(( textr) text1 ( text < r) text2) carry electric charges of + Q and -Q respectively. The region between the sphere is filled with two insulating layers of dielectric constant textε1 and textε2 and width d1 and d2 respectively. Variation of the potential and electric field with radial distance from O is given. Select the correct one. (assume V at r2=0 ) <img class=img-fluid question-image alt=Question src=https://cdn.tardigrade.in/q/nta/p-eupdj6hqibenv4gs.jpg />
Two concentric conducting spheres of radii and carry electric charges of and respectively. The region between the sphere is filled with two insulating layers of dielectric constant and and width and respectively. Variation of the potential and electric field with radial distance from is given. Select the correct one. (assume at )