Q. The given diagram shows two plants of the same species Identify the types of pollination indicated at and ,
(a) Allogamy Chasmogamy Cleistogamy
(b) Autogamy Xenogamy Geitonogam
(c) Autogamy Geitonogamy Xenogamy
(d) Geitonogam Allogamy Autogamy

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Autogamy (Gk. autos-self, gamos-marriage) is a type of self pollination in which an intersexual or perfect flower is pollinated by its own pollen. Geitonogamy (Gk. geiton-neighbour, gamos-marriage) is a type of pollination in which pollen grains of one flower are transferred to the stigma of another flower belonging to either the same plant or genetically similar plant. In geitonogamy, the flowers often show modifications similar to ones found in xenogamy or cross pollination. Xenogamy (Gk. xenos - strange, gamos - marriage) or cross pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from anther of one flower to the stigma of a genetically different flower.