Q. The bromination of acetone that occurs in acid solution is represented by this equation.

These kinetic data were obtained for given reaction concentrations.
Based on given data, the rate equations is:

 27  117 Chemical Kinetics Report Error


Rewriting the given data for the reaction

Actually this reaction is autocatalyzed and involves complex calculation for concentration terms.
We can look at the above results in a simple way to find the dependence of reaction rate (i.e., rate of disappearance of
From data (1) and (2) in which concentration of and remain unchanged and only the concentration of is doubled, there is no change in rate of reaction. It means the rate of reaction is independent of concentration of
Again from (2) and (3) in which and remain constant but increases from to i.e. doubled, the rate of reaction changes from to (or ), thus it also becomes almost doubled. It shows that rate of reaction is directly proportional to . From (3) and (4), the rate should have doubled due to increase in conc of from to but the rate has changed from to . This is due to change in concentration of from to . Thus the rate is directly proportional to . We now get

Trick : only option (a) can be correct if rate does not depend on .