Q. Sycons fruit develops from which of the following inflorescence ?

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Hypanthodium is a inflorescence which has a flask-shaped fleshy receptacle. Internally the receptacle bears male flowers towards pore, female flowers towards base and sterile female between the two e.g., Ficus.
Composite or multiple fruits are developed from entire inflorescence like syconus fruit develops from hypanthodium inflorescence as in Ficus.
Sorosis is a multiple fruit which develops from catkin or spike inflorescence as in Pineapple.
Verticillaster is a modified dichasial cyme tyep of inflorescence e.g., Ocimum.
Cyathium consist of an involucre of five fused bracts that encloses a central achlamydeous pedicellate tricarpellary syncarpous female flowers surrounded by a number of centrifugally arranged scorpioid groups of achlamydeous pedicellate unistaminate male flowers e.g., Euphorbia.
Raceme unbranched, elongated peduncle bearing pedicellate flowers acropetally e.g., Delphinium, Raphanus.