Q. Study the given figure showing structure of Euglena and select the option that correctly identifies A, B, C and D.
(a) Cytostome Photoreceptor Paramylum bodies Myonemes
(b) Contractile vacuole Photorecepto Paramylum bodies Chloroplast
(c) Cytostome Stigma Paramylum bodies Chloroplast
(d) Cytostome Stigma Myonemes Chloroplast

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The body of Euglena is covered by a plasma membrane followed by periplast or pellicle. At the place of union of the two branches, the flagellum bears a swelling called paraflagellar body (photoreceptor). The posterior end is pointed. The anterior end of the cell is blunt and bears an eccentric cytostome (mouth). At one end of the reservoir, the cytoplasm contains an orange red stigma (eye spot). Pyrenoids (proteinaceous bodies) may be present in the chloroplasts. The endoplasm contains several paramylum bodies.