Q. Sexual reproduction in fungi is carried out by the fusion of compatible nuclei from two parents at a definite stage in the life cycle. Identify the different types of sexual reproduction occurring in fungi from the given figures and select the correct option.

p Q R S T
(a) Heteogamy Gametangial contact Gametangial copulation Spermatisation Somatogamy
(b) planogamatic copulation Gametangial copulation Gametangial contact Spermatogamy Heterothallism
(c) planogametic copulation Gametangial contact Gametangial copulation Spermatisation Somatogamy
(d) Heterogamy Oogamy planogametic copulation Conidiospores Heterothallism

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Planogametic copulation (P) involves fusion of gametes. It may be isogamous or heterogamous (anisogamous and oogamous). In gametangial contact (Q) male gametes or nuclei are transferred from antheridium to oogonium through a fertilisation tube. Gametangial copulation (R) is a type of conjugation in which both the types of gametangia fuse directly resulting in the formation of a zygospore. Spermatisation (S) involves the transfer of a small male gamete to the receptive region ortrichogyne of thefemale sex organ. In somatogamy (T), sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two hyphae or mycelia.