Q. Muon is a negatively charged particle with a mass me, where me is the mass of the electron and e is the electronic charge. If - is bound to a proton to form a hydrogen like atom, identify the correct statements.
(A) Radius of the muonic orbit is times smaller than that of the electron.
(B) The speed of the in the orbit is times that of the electron in the orbit.
(C) The ionization energy of muonic atom is times more than that of an hydrogen atom.
(D) The momentum of the muon in the orbit is times more than that of the electron.

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(i) Radius of the orbit is given by .
Only, rest are same. So, statement is correct:
The radius of muonic orbit is 200 times smaller than that of the electron.
(ii) Velocity of particle in an orbit is given by

Therefore, speed does not change as it does not depend on mass. So, statement is incorrect.
(iii) Ionisation energy is given by

Only, rest are same. So, statement is correct:
The ionisation energy of muonic atom is times more than that of an hydrogen atom.
(iv) Since Momentum Energy. So, statement is correct:
The momentum of the muon in the th orbit is times more than that of the electron.