Q. Hydrogen peroxide is now generally prepared on industrial scale by the

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Industrial preparation of :
(A) By the electrolysis of solution is electrolysed at C between electrodes. The per disulphuric acid is formed.

At Anode :
At Cathode :
The obtained per disulphuric acid gives on hydrolysis.

This is separated by distillation at reduced pressure and thus, solution of is obtained.
(B) By the auto-oxidation of -ethyl-anthraquinol (Modem method): Anthraquinol, in a mixture of benzene and -heptanol on treatment with air gives and -ethyl-anthraquinone. This -ethyl-anthraquinone on hydrogenation gives anthraquinol in presence of catalyst.
It is a cyclic process and it only is consumed, -ethyl-anthraquinone is reobtained during reaction.