Q. During photorespiration, the glycolic acid is oxidised to glyoxylic acid inside

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The process of photorespiration at the initial degree happens within the chloroplast. It is number one substrate is an early manufactured from photosynthesis, the glycolate. Given that glycolate is a 2-carbon compound, the method is likewise termed as C2 cycle.
When carbon dioxide attention in the ecosystem will become much less and oxygen concentration within the plant increases, ribulose 1-5 diphosphate combines with oxygen to shape one molecule each of three phosphoglyceric acid and a pair of phosphoglycolic acid (2 carbon compound) in the presence of enzyme RuBP oxygenase.
Two phosphoglycolic acid loses its phosphate organization inside the presence of enzyme phosphatase and thus converts it into glycolic acid.
The glycolic acid synthesized in the chloroplast is then transported to peroxisome. In the peroxisome, it reacts with oxysome to form glyoxylic acid and H2O2 in the presence of an enzyme, glycolic acid oxidase. H2O2 converts into water and oxygen within the presence of the enzyme, catalase.