- Tardigrade
- Question
- Physics
- <img class=img-fluid question-image alt=Question src=https://cdn.tardigrade.in/q/nta/p-nah12e5mb4iwwryc.jpg /> Consider a cylindrical vessel of the diameter of 15cm whose bottom is connected horizontally to a spout pipe of diameter 0.5cm as shown in the above figure, such that the water in the cylinder leaves the spout in the form of a fountain. If the water level in the vessel is maintained at a constant height of 0.45m , then the height (in m ) to which the vertical stream of water goes is α . Write value of 100α . Take g=10m/s2 .
Consider a cylindrical vessel of the diameter of whose bottom is connected horizontally to a spout pipe of diameter as shown in the above figure, such that the water in the cylinder leaves the spout in the form of a fountain. If the water level in the vessel is maintained at a constant height of , then the height (in ) to which the vertical stream of water goes is . Write value of .
Take .
Answer: 45