Q. Assertion : Down syndrome, Klinfelter syndrome and Turner syndrome are chromosomal disorders.
Reason : In Klinfelter syndrome females are sterile.

 3196  222 AIIMSAIIMS 2019Principles of Inheritance and Variation Report Error


Klinefelter’s syndrome is a genetic condition that only affects males. The condition is present from birth and is due to an extra X chromosome. Normal males have 45 + XY chromosomes but males with Klinefelter’s syndrome have 45 + XXY chromosome. This condition arises due to non-disjunction at the time of gamete formation leading to formation of abnormal gamete. When either a normal egg fuses with abnormal sperms (XY) or an abnormal egg (XX) fuses with a normal sperm it results in an abnormal zygote, which develops into a boy with the syndrome.