Q. A crystalline hydrated salt on being heated loses 45.6% of its weight. Percentage composition of anhydrous salt is Al - 10.5 %, K - 15.1 %, S - 24.8 %, O - 49.6 %. Find molecular formula of salt (hydrated) (M = 948 g/mol for hydrated salt).

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For anhydrous salt

Empirical formula of anhydrous salt = KAlS2O8

E.F mass of Anhydrous salt = 258 g/mol

Mass of Moisture

Empirical formula of Anhydrous salt KAlS2O8.12H2O

g/Empirical formula mass

Molecular Formula = K2Al2S4O16.24H2O

= K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O