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Q. The order of energy absorbed which is responsible for the color of complexes
(A) $\left[ Ni \left( H _{2} O \right)_{2}( en )_{2}\right]^{2+}$
(B) $\left[ Ni \left( H _{2} O \right)_{4}( en )\right]^{2+}$ and
(C) $\left[ Ni ( en )_{3}\right]^{2+}$

NEETNEET 2022Coordination Compounds


(A) $\left[ Ni \left( H _{2} O \right)_{2}( en )_{2}\right]^{2+}$
(B) $\left[ Ni \left( H _{2} O \right)_{4}( en )\right]^{2+}$
(C) $\left[ Ni ( en )_{3}\right]^{2+}$
en is SFL (strong field ligand)
As the number of en (strong ligand) increase splitting also increases.
So, $\Delta_{0}$ increases.
i.e. maximum energy will be absorbed in case of option $C$.
So the order is $C >A >B$