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Q. The half life for the decomposition of gaseous compound $A$ is $240\, s$ when the gaseous pressure was $500$ Torr initially. When the pressure was $250$ Torr, the half life was found to be $4.0\, \min$. The order of the reaction is....... (Nearest integer)

JEE MainJEE Main 2022Chemical Kinetics


$\left( t _{1 / 2}\right)_{500 \text { torr }}=240 \,\sec =4\,\min$.
$\left( t _{1 / 2}\right)_{250 \text { torr }}=4 \,\min$.
$t _{1 / 2} \propto a ^{1- n }$
As $t_{1 / 2}$ is independent of initial pressure. Hence, order is $1 st$ order.