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Q. The element whose percentage weight is highest in both earth’s crust and human body is



The following are the percentage of some elements in Earth’s crust and the human body:
Element % Weight of
Earth's crust Human body
Hydrogen(H) 0.14 0.5
Carbon(C) 0.03 18.5
Oxygen(O) 46.6 65.0
Nitrogen(N) Very little 3.3
Sulphur(S) 0.03 0.3
Sodium(Na) 2.8 0.2
Calcium(Ca) 3.6 1.5
Magnesium(Mg) 2.1 0.1
Silicon(Si) 27.7 Negligible

From the above-given table, it can be inferred that oxygen is the element which is most abundant in both humans as well as Earth's crust.