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Q. The deficiency of which of these elements interrupts photolysis of water during photosynthesis?



$Mn$ and $Cl$ are essential elements for the photolysis of water during photosynthesis. $Ca$ is associated with the growth of the plant and is required by meristematic and differentiating tissues.
Potassium helps to maintain an anion-cation balance in cells and is involved in protein synthesis, opening and closing of stomata, activation of enzymes and in the maintenance of the turgidity of cells.
$Zn$ and $Cu$ are essential in maintaining the metabolism in plants. $Zn$ activates various enzymes, especially carboxylases. It is also needed in the synthesis of auxins. $Cu$ is involved in redox reactions.
$N$ and $P$ are important for the overall development of plants in crop production. They are major constituents of many biomolecules.