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Q. $o-$ amino benzaldehyde is heated along with acetone in dilute $NaOH$ solution to produce the major organic product $\left(A\right)$ , which on treatment with catalytic amount of $H_{2}SO_{4}$ , produces another major organic product $\left(B\right)$ formed via intramolecular reaction. Let, the degree of unsaturation of $\left(A\right)$ be $x$ , the degree of unsaturation of $\left(B\right)$ be $y$ , the number of rings in $\left(\right.A\left.\right)$ be $z$ and the number of rings in $\left(\right.B\left.\right)$ be $p$ , then, find the value of $\left(\frac{ x . y }{z . p}\right)$

NTA AbhyasNTA Abhyas 2022

