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Q. Given the standard potential for the following half-cell reaction at 298 K,
Cu+(aq)+eCu(s); E=0.52V
Cu2+(aq)+eCu+(aq); E=0.16V
Calculate the ΔG (kJ) for the reaction, [2Cu+(aq)Cu(s)+Cu2+]

NTA AbhyasNTA Abhyas 2022


Cu++eCu;E=0.52 V
ΔG1=nFE=1×96500×0.52 ...(i)
Cu2++eCu+;E=0.16 V
or Cu+Cu2++e;E=0.16 V
ΔG2=1×96500×(0.16) ...(ii)
On adding equations (i) and (ii), we get
2Cu+Cu+Cu2+ ,
=34740 J=34.740kJ