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Electrolyte KCI KNO3 HCI NaOAc NaCl
$\begin{matrix}\Lambda^{\infty}\\ \left(S cm^{2} mol^{-1}\right)\end{matrix}$ 149.9 145.0 426.2 91.0 126.5

Calculate $\Lambda^{\infty}_{HOAC} (in\,S \,cm^2\,mol^{-1})$ using appropriate molar conductances of the electrolytes listed above at infinite dilution in $H_2O$ at $25^{\circ}$C.

AIIMSAIIMS 2010Electrochemistry


$\wedge$$\underset{\text{HOAC}}{\infty}$ = $\wedge$$\underset{\text{NaOAC}}{\infty}$ + $\wedge$$\underset{\text{HCl}}{\infty}$ - $\wedge$$\underset{\text{NaCl}}{\infty}$
= 91.0 + 426.2 - 126.5 S cm2 mol-1
= 390.7 S cm2 mol-1