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Q. Consider the reversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas in a closed system at two different temperatures $T_1$ and $T_2 (T_1 < T_2)$. The correct graphical depiction of the dependence of work done $(w)$ on the final volume $(V)$ is:

JEE MainJEE Main 2019Thermodynamics


$w =-nRT In \frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}}$
$ w = -nRT ln \frac{V_{b}}{V_{i}} $
$\left|w\right| =nRT ln \frac{V_{b}}{V_{i}} $
$ |w| = nRT \left(lnV_{b} - lnV_{i} \right) \left|w\right| =nRT ln V_{b} -nRT ln V_{i} $
$Y = m x - C$ So, slope of curve 2 is more than curve 1 and intercept of curve 2 is more negative then curve 1.