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Q. An observer is riding on a bicycle and moving towards a hill at $18 \,kmh ^{-1}$. He hears a sound from a source at some distance behind him directly as well as after its reflection from the hill. If the original frequency of the sound as emitted by source is $640\, Hz$ and velocity of the sound in air is $320\, m / s$, the beat frequency between the two sounds heard by observer will be _______Hz.

JEE MainJEE Main 2022Waves


$V_S=0, V_{\text {ob }}=5\, m / s$
$ f _{\text {direct }}=\left(\frac{320-5}{320}\right) 640=630\, Hz$
$ f _{\text {reflected }}=\left(\frac{320+5}{320}\right) 640=650\, Hz $
$ f _{\text {beat }}=650-630=20\, Hz $