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Q. A rod of mass $M$ and length $L$ is hinged at its centre of mass so that it can rotate in a vertical plane. Two springs each of stiffness $k$ are connected at its ends, as shown in the figure. The time period of SHM isPhysics Question Image



The restoring torque (for small $\theta$ )
$\tau_{\text {rest }}=-\left[\frac{k L \theta}{2} \times \frac{L}{2}\right] \times 2=\frac{k L^2}{2}(-\theta)$
$\therefore \alpha=\frac{\tau_{\text {rest }}}{I}=\frac{k L^2 / 2}{M L^2 / 12}(-\theta)=\frac{6 k}{M}(-\theta)$
$\therefore T=2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{M}{6 k}}$.