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Q. A plot between lnk vs $1/T$ is represented for a reaction which has equilibrium constant $=k$ as follows
Then the correct plot for its reverse reaction is:

NTA AbhyasNTA Abhyas 2020


$lnkeq=\frac{- ΔH ^\circ }{RT}+\frac{ΔS ^\circ }{R}$
Reverse reaction will have $keq=\frac{1}{k}$ .
In $\frac{1}{k}=-\frac{\left(- ΔH ^\circ \right)}{RT}+\frac{\left(- ΔS ^\circ \right)}{R}$
In $k=\frac{- ΔH ^\circ }{RT}+\frac{ΔS ^\circ }{R}$